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le suspicion could attach to Richard Knighton。 But like all great men ´ and the Marquis was a great man ´ he had his weaknesses。 He fell genuinely in love with Miss Grey察and suspecting her liking for Derek Kettering察he could not resist the temptation to saddle him with the crime when the opportunity presented itself。 And now察Monsieur Van Aldin察I am going to tell you something very curious。 Miss Grey is not a fanciful woman by any means察yet she firmly believes that she felt your daughter's presence beside her one day in the Casino Gardens at Monte Carlo察just after she had been having a long talk with Knighton。 She was convinced察she says察that the dead woman was urgently trying to tell her something察and it suddenly came to her that what the dead woman was trying to say was that Knighton was her murderer The idea seemed so fantastic at the time that Miss Grey spoke of it to no one。 But she was so convinced of its truth that she acted on it ´ wild as it seemed。 She did not discourage Knighton's advances察and she pretended to him that she was convinced of Derek Kettering's guilt。; 

;Extraordinary察─said Van Aldin。 

;Yes察it is very strange。 One cannot explain these things。 Oh察by the way察there is one little point that baffled me considerably。 Your secretary has a decided limp ´ the result of a wound that he received in the ost decidedly did not limp。 That was a stumbling´block。 But Miss Lenox Tamplin happened to mention one day that Knighton's limp had been a surprise to the surgeons who had been in charge of the case in her mother's hospital。 That suggested camouflage。 When I was in London I went to the surgeon in question察and I got several technical details from him which confirmed me in that belief。 I mentioned the name of that surgeon in Knighton's hearing the day before yesterday。 The natural thing would have been for Knighton to mention that he had been attended by him during the war察but he said nothing ´ and that little point察if nothing else察gave me the last final assurance that my theory of the crime was correct。 Miss Grey察too察provided me with a cutting察showing that there had been a robbery at Lady Tamplin's hospital during the time that Knighton had been there。 She realized that I was on the same track as herself when I wrote to her from the Ritz in Paris。 

;I had some trouble in my inquiries there察but I got what I wanted ´ evidence that Ada Mason arrived on the morning after the crime and not on the evening of the day before。; 

There was a long silence察then the millionaire stretched out a hand to Poirot across the table。 

;I guess you know what this means to me察Monsieur Poirot察─he said huskily。 ;I am sending you round a cheque in the morning察but no cheque in the world will express what I feel about what you have done for me。 You are the goods察Monsieur Poirot。 Every time察you are the goods。; 

Poirot rose to his feet察his chest swelled。 

;I am only Hercule Poirot察─he said modestly察 yet察as you say察in my own way I am a big man察even as you also are a big man。 I am glad and happy to have been of service to you。 Now I go to repair the damages caused by travel。 Alas my excellent Georges is not with me。; 

In the lounge of the hotel he encountered a friend ´ the venerable Monsieur Papopolous察his daughter Zia beside him。 

;I thought you had left Nice察Monsieur Poirot察─murmured the Greek as he took the detective's affectionately proffered hand。 

;Business pelled me to return察my dear Monsieur Papopolous。; 


;Yes察business。 And talking of business察I hope your health is better察my dear friend拭─

;Much better。 In fact察we are returning to Paris tomorrow。; 

;I am enchanted to hear such good news。 You have not pletely ruined the Greek ex´Minister察I hope。; 


;I understand you sold him a very wonderful ruby which ´ strictly entre nous ´ is being worn by Mademoiselle Mirelle察the dancer拭─

;Yes察─murmured Monsieur Papopolous察 yes察that is so。; 

;A ruby not unlike the famous 'Heart of Fire'拭─

;It has points of resemblance察certainly察─said the Greek casually。 

;You have a wonderful hand with jewels察Monsieur Papopolous。 I congratulate you。 Mademoiselle Zia察I am desolate that you are returning to Paris so speedily。 I had hoped to see some more of you now that my business is acplished。; 

;Would one be indiscreet if one asked what that business was拭─asked Monsieur Papopolous。 

;Not at all察not at all。 I have just succeeded in laying the Marquis by the heels。; 

A far´away look came over Monsieur Papopolous' noble countenance。 

;The Marquis拭─he murmured察 now why does that seem familiar to me拭No ´ I cannot recall it。; 

;You would not察I am sure察─said Poirot。 ;I refer to a very notable criminal and jewel robber。 He has just been arrested for the murder of the English lady察Madame Kettering。; 

;Indeed拭How interesting these things are ─

A polite exchange of farewells followed察and when Poirot was out of earshot。 Monsieur Papopolous turned to his daughter。 

;Zia察─he said察with feeling察 that man is the devil ─

;I like him。; 

;I like him myself察─admitted Monsieur Papopolous。 ;But he is the devil察all the same。; 

Chapter 36 


The mimosa was nearly over。 The scent of it in the air was faintly unpleasant。 There were pink geraniums twining along the balustrade of Lady Tamplin's villa察and masses of carnations below sent up a sweet察heavy perfume。 The Mediterranean was at its bluest。 Poirot sat on the terrace with Lenox Tamplin。 He had just finished telling her the same story he had told to Van Aldin two days before。 Lenox had listened to him with absorbed attention察her brows knitted and her eyes sombre。 

When he had finished she said simply此 And Derek拭─

;He was released yesterday。; 

;And he has gone ´ where拭─

;He left Nice last night。; 

;For St Mary Mead拭─

;Yes察for St Mary Mead。; 

There was a pause。 

;I was wrong about Katherine察─said Lenox。 ;I thought she did not care。; 

;She is very reserved。 She trusts no one。; 

;She might have trusted me察─said Lenox察with a shade of bitterness。 

;Yes察─said Poirot gravely察 she might have trusted you。 But Mademoiselle Katherine has spent a great deal of her life listening察and those who have listened do not find it easy to talk察they keep their sorrows and joys to themselves and tell no one。; 

;I was a fool察─said Lenox察 I thought she really cared for Knighton。 I ought to have known better。 I suppose I thought so because ´ well察I hoped so。; 

Poirot took her hand and gave it a little friendly squeeze。 ;Courage察Mademoiselle察─he said gently。 

Lenox looked very straight out across the sea察and her face察in its ugly rigidity察had for the moment a tragic beauty。 

;Oh察well察─she said at last察 it would not have done。 I am too young for Derek察he is like a kid that has never grown up。 He wants the Madonna touch。; 

There was a long silence察then Lenox turned to him quickly and impulsively。 ;But I did help察Monsieur Poirot ´ at any rate I did help。; 

;Yes察Mademoiselle。 It was you who gave me the first inkling of the truth when you said that the person who mitted the crime need not have been on the train at all。 Before that察I could not see how the thing had been done。; 

Lenox drew a deep breath。 

;I am glad察─she said察 at any rate ´ that is something。; 

From far behind them there came a long´drawn scream of an engine's whistle。 

;That is that damned Blue Train察─said Lenox。 ;Trains are relentless things察aren't they察Monsieur Poirot拭People are murdered and die察but they go on just the same。 I am talking nonsense察but you know what I mean。; 

;Yes察yes察I know。 Life is like a train察Mademoiselle。 It goes on。 And it is a good thing that that is so。; 


;Because the train gets to its journey's end at last察and there is a proverb about that in your language察Mademoiselle。; 

;'Journeys end in lovers meeting。'; Lenox laughed。 ;That is not going to be true for me。; 

;Yes ´ yes察it is true。 You are young察younger than you yourself know。 Trust the train察Mademoiselle察for it is le bon Dieu who drives it。; 

The whistle of the engine came again。 

;Trust the train察Mademoiselle察─murmured Poirot again。 ;And trust Hercule Poirot。 He knows。; 

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